3 minutes read

Eco-friendly & sustainable Yoga Retreat

by Alice McBride
Retreat Coordinator

Protecting our planet is becoming more important than ever before. Harnessing sustainable and eco-friendly practices and reflecting on ourselves are amazing ways in which we can do this from the ground up.

Creating a sustainable and eco-friendly retreat has been central to us, and our mission at Origins Africa Yoga Retreat. Here’s a little insight into some of the practices we are using, to work with our environment and respect the land we have been entrusted with.

Off grid solar technologies

Off-grid solar is a method used to create sustainable and eco-friendly electricity. It works by harnessing electricity from sunlight, which is then converted into energy.

At Origins Africa we are completely off-grid, using solar to access our electricity and solar thermal water heaters. Using solar as an energy source is awesome, not only because of its obvious eco-friendly benefits, but also because of its reliability and dependability as an energy source.

The grid itself is not consistently reliable in Tanzania, therefore using solar provides a reliable and constant source of power, while also respecting our planet. Win win we think!

Building our retreat

Sourcing local building materials is another effective way to be more sustainable, and care for our planet. This has been super important to us in our journey so far, as not only does this significantly reduce the environmental impact in terms of the carbon emissions. It also has a positive impact on local communities, creating opportunities for local people and boosts local economies.

We have made it a priority to source local materials, which has been effective in significantly reducing our carbon emissions. Our chalets and yoga deck are crafted from a mixture of eucalyptus and pine, grown locally at sustainable farms. Our interiors, including the kitchen, sofas, and beds have been built using teak from local farms, also using sustainable methods.

Local people

Employing local people and supporting the local economy is central to our mission here at Origins Africa Yoga Retreat. We are working with local people from Tanzania, including our site managers, skilled craftsmen, & labourers.

Our building manager Lupa is highly skilled, experienced in building top safari lodges. Our incredible environment manager Mdoe has been essential in directing sustainability missions at the retreat. Creating bio-diverse gardens, and providing expert local insight.

Local fundi (Swahili for artisans/ craftsmen) have also been employed at our retreat, handcrafting furniture, sofas, and more. This has been amazing in creating jobs for local people, and seeing local skill and talent shine through in their work. By doing our bit to support and work with the local community was something central to us since dreaming up the retreat. We are excited for our team to continue to grow in 2025.

Reverse osmosis water system

Reducing plastic consumption is always an obvious choice, when trying to make better decisions to support the planet.

Bottled water is a key culprit in damaging our planet. In addition to plastic consumption, over consumption & water wastage is increasingly tapping into public consciousness as an environmental issue.

Reverse osmosis technologies help to tackle these issues, by creating clean drinking water straight from the tap, a plastic free way to drink water, reduce water wastage, and carbon emissions.

At our retreat reverse osmosis water systems will be installed soon, very exciting. Investing in this technology is something we feel deeply passionate about, in doing our bit in minimising issues caused by bottled water. This also creates an extremely accessible way to simply enjoy clean drinking water. We deeply believe that investing in technologies like these are essential to the protection of our planet from the ground up.

Sustainability from the ground up

Investing in eco-friendly and sustainable technologies, sourcing local building materials, and employing local people have been key to us in creating a space that reflects our mission in celebrating and embracing our environment.



Article by Alice McBride
Retreat Coordinator

Alice is one of our lead authors, sharing her passions for yoga, barefoot luxury and human connections through her writings.

Alice is also a Retreat Coordinator here at Origins Africa, helping yoga teachers and group leaders curate their own very individual experiences of this wonderful place.

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