2 minutes read

Yoga Safari

by Alice McBride
Retreat Coordinator

If you’re looking for some extra adventure to add to your yoga retreat, we got you!

Why Yoga & Safari?

At Origins Africa Yoga Retreats, we are all about pushing boundaries and seeking extra adventures alongside your yoga journey. Safari adventures and bush stays enable a real step into the wilderness, as what would a trip to Africa be without Safari, right?

Our Retreat packages are super flexible, allowing you to create your own perfect vision, so it’s up to you with what works, but here’s some insight to what you might expect…

Ruaha National Park

One of Tanzania’s best kept secrets, is Ruaha National Park. We believe it’s the best safari experience you could possibly dream up! Not only because this is where we will be hosting our yoga safari retreats, but because of its rugged, untamed, and wild nature. Ruaha boasts untouched beauty, as unlike most of safari parks it’s uncrowded, & unfenced.

Bush Stays

Lets break this down to what you can expect on our safari and bush stay adventures.

When coming to Ruaha you will stay at one of our partner bush camps, just a short journey from the retreat you’ll be met with a totally new environment to immerse yourself in. This is a place where the indoors and outdoors simultaneously exist as one, you might even hear a distant lion roar in the night.

Our partner bush camps have been carefully chosen to allow you to take your yoga journey with you, their indoor space has been designed specifically to accommodate yoga groups, as well as the outdoor areas being the ultimate place to embrace any yoga practice.

Food will be part of the package here, enjoy delicious meals made by the chefs at our partnering bush camps, sit down as a family and dine under the stars together!

Most importantly, embrace your environment, shut out the noise that does not serve you, and listen to the sounds of the bush, connect to your inner adventurer, and feel completely free.


Wake up the next morning, enjoy your brekkie and get ready to go spot some big exciting animals!

Safaris will be part of the package here, hop into the landcruiser, sit back and relax as you’re whisked off out and into Ruaha National Park. Our safari experts will take you on a truly immersive and exciting experience in and around the park.

Although Ruaha may be the lesser-known counterpart to some of the big safari destinations in Tanzania, this is what really makes it so MAGIC! It’s off the beaten track, it’s wild, and it’s a true step into the Tanzania wilderness.

Article by Alice McBride
Retreat Coordinator

Alice is one of our lead authors, sharing her passions for yoga, barefoot luxury and human connections through her writings.

Alice is also a Retreat Coordinator here at Origins Africa, helping yoga teachers and group leaders curate their own very individual experiences of this wonderful place.

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